Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Make Your Day with Fun Children's Birthday Party Themes

When you send invitations for birthday parties, think about why you do it.

And also ask yourself: do those invitations get people to come along to the party?

You're probably like most people - worrying, just a little at least, that nobody will turn up when you send invitations out for your kid's forthcoming birthday party.

If nobody does turn up, on such a special day, you'll have a heartbroken child. That's not a great way for a birthday to be spent.

Invitations - why do we send them?

Okay, that might sound like a strange question to ask. But to reach a goal, we first need to fully understand it.

So, what's the goal when sending out a birthday party invitation?

Simple - to invite everyone you want to your party!

That sounds straightforward. But who's being invited? For a kid's birthday, it's their friends - and those friends will be children themselves.

So, what's the way to invite children? You sent their birthday invitations to them through their parents.

To be sure their kids will come to your party, you need to get their parents to make sure they do.
Therefore, the crucial thing with your invitations is to include information.

A simple mistake that people make surprisingly often is to leave out some of the information parents require.

It needs to be EASY for them to bring their kids to your party, and for them to RSVP.

The Top Priority with Kid Birthday Party Invitations

Get them out early on.

The modern world runs at a quick pace, and everyone - you, your family, your kids - have activities that mean they're doing six things at once. So, to get people enough time to get such a significant event into their schedules, you MUST allow them time.

The Information You Need to Include

* Make it clear it's a birthday party. Say it's a kid birthday party invitation right in the headline.
* Include your child's names - FIRST and LAST. They may have other friends with the same first name, so make things easier by including both.
* Give the age your kid will be, since this will really help people intending to buy your kid a present.
* State both DATE and DAY the party will be, so other parents can easily check their calendars.
* WHEN THE PARTY BEGINS, especially whether it's at lunchtime, before, or afterward.
* WHEN THE PARTY FINISHES. This piece of information is really important. You don't want to end up with a load of restless kids, counting the minutes until their parents can rescue you by picking them up.
* Where is your party's location? It might be at your house, but it could also be at a local restaurant, park, or even fire department. Don't forget to add the full address, including apartment number. It's a great idea to include a map, and if the party won't be at your house, give them your cell number or other contact phone details.
* What kind of party are you having? Is it themed, and if so what's the theme? Will guests be asked to wear themed outfits?
* What about food? Will it be ice cream and cake, a snack buffet, or a full meal? Some kids are diabetic - their parents should tell you whether they can eat treats.
* Add a phone number and deadline for RSVP purposes. You'll need the deadline if you really want replies, so give a specific date. Mention if the party will be at a restaurant, to underline the importance of being able to tell the venue how many guests will attend. Again, don't forget a phone number!

Success with Kid Birthday Party Invitations

Around seven days before the party itself, make a phone call to each parent. Check they got their invitations, and ask whether their kids will be coming to the party. Gentle reminders like this go down well, and will give you the best chance of a good attendance for your child's birthday party.
Most people, when their child has an upcoming birthday party, send out invitations with just a little worry about nobody attending. But spending a small amount of time on these simple tips will make sure that the invitations for your kid birthday party will be a great success.
And lastly... have fun!

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